V1.9.4 (5686)

1.9.4 b5686:

  • Mandatory adjustments due to extended Google guidelines (permission request for background location queries with Android 11)

Changing the Resources Credits currency symbol from "$" to "ꞓ"

  • Due to regulations of some national age rating systems, real money currency/symbols may not be used as currency for virtual play money.
    The Ꞓ  (minuscule: ꞓ) is a modified letter of the Latin alphabet, formed from C with the addition of a bar. It is part of the Unicode character set U+A793 (see https://bit.ly/3nV8bxA)
    In the chat the symbol can be written by typing "$$", "¢¢", "££", "€€", "¥¥", or "₩₩".