V1.9.3 (5591)


  • The factories' production can be accelerated by using special finds. Accelerations can be activated in the factory information window once accelerators are available in the warehouse.
  • The use of production accelerators has different effects on the working atmosphere.
  • An accelerator's specified duration X is the accelerator's absolute duration of action. Thus the accelerator remains active even if there's no production. Its duration of action will not be affected by the use of a giant diamond.
  • Instant productions with giant diamonds consider the accelerated factory performance.

New finds "Production accelerators":

  • Wage subsidy: +10% for 120 hours, positive WA effect
  • Guest workers: +15% for 96 hours, slightly negative WA effect
  • Night shift: +20% for 8 hours, negative WA effect
  • Overtime: +25% for 3 hours, distinct negative WA effect

Working atmosphere:

  • A little indicator now displays changes in the working atmosphere.
  • Having a very bad working atmosphere can result in a temporary decrease of the factory production of a randomly chosen factory.


  • When selling an item the average acquisition price of the last purchases of this item will be displayed.
  • The absolute price increase compared to the actual top price of a new item request will be saved and applied as a resubmission at the next request of the same item (rounded in steps of 5 respectively).


  • The winnings ticker (info button) displays the number of rolled winning combinations.

Contacts- and POI list:

  • Option added to sort saved POIs by distance or alphabetically


  • When comparing with another player the own values will be colored according to the scheme "I'm better/equal/worse".