V2.0.2 (8148)
Server-side adjustments:
05/14/23 - Mission adjustments
- Mission "Scan junkie": Target fixed at 25 scans, reward fixed at 10 TU2. (Scanning into nothingness 500 times for a handful of TUs is not really enjoyable and unnecessarily stresses the server.)
- Mission "Pimp my factory": Target fixed at 5. Reward remains dynamic.
Resources Game v2.0
The entire client code had to be rebuilt from scratch and seamlessly integrated into an already active game with an active player base using a different client version. Therefore, please bear with me if there are some bugs or crashes in the first versions of the new client. ;)
Please report bugs as usual either via the in-app function (in the settings) or by email to
I've tried to make the game interface resemble the original Android version as closely as possible, so that players who have become accustomed to the old UI for several years can still find their way around easily.
A big thank you to the testing group whose eagle eyes and diligent reports have greatly contributed to offering you a "stress-free" transition to the new version 2.0. :)
General UI revision
- Info dialogs have received a sidebar with context-related functions (e.g. for actions such as update, booster, instant production, defense, tech upgrade, contacts, etc.).
- Most lists can now be individually sorted by drag & drop ("sorting arrows" for factories are no longer necessary).
- There will be no special layout for tablets for the time being.
- The Local Scan is no longer limited to the user's exact location. Now, you can scan and build within a small radius (45m) around your current position.
- The scanner now displays all resources found at the scanned location.
- Tapping on a found resource changes the active resource.
- The scanner now always provides correct values for the scanned point, regardless of the level of the tech center.
- The scan button automatically switches to the corresponding scan mode (local or drone).
- The "Drone Collect Mode" function no longer exists. Instead, drone loot works on the same principle as truck loot: tapping on the drone icon on the left side of the map collects all crates in the drone collection circle.
- When collecting crates with a drone, crates that are no longer in local range are automatically collected by the drone.
- Indicators on the truck loot/drone loot buttons show the consumption of trucks or drones. The confirmation before each loot for drone and truck loot is removed.
- There are two new options above the map functions: hide scan cloud and full-screen mode.
- Tapping on a scan position in the scan results window sets the map center to the scan position.
- Automatic display of the scan results window after each scan can be optionally disabled.
- Auctions have their own page in the app.
- Now shows the history of the working atmosphere.
- The "Google Play Games" functions have been removed from the app.
- Search function
- Search function
- The command "#mystat" is no longer supported. The statistics of each player can be accessed by tapping on a player, for example in the PN chat dialog.
- The function for sharing stats via social media is currently unavailable.
- New options in the settings for manual drag & drop sorting or the familiar automatic sorting via "favorite star" for missions.
- New option for logarithmic sliders with large value ranges.
- The functionality for offline maps had to be omitted for the time being because the data format of the former offline maps was not "out-of-the-box" supported by the new map SDK.
Adjustment of conventional penalties for missions (affects all clients)
- The design of the gradation of penalties for missed missions has been adjusted so that low-level players are significantly relieved. The amount of penalties increases exponentially with increasing player level. To have a simple idea of the change: up to about level 230, you will pay less penalty than before, but at level 230 it will be more expensive than before.
Adjustment of unique auctions (affects all clients)
After an extended period of inactivity (more than 3 months without logging in), unique items will be made available for auction again. The previous and inactive owner will lose the item, but will retain the luxury points earned for that auction.